Yesterday (late) I did finish my challenge, week 36: Dreamin'of....
Ofcourse I am dreaming of my ill friends to get better! Ofcourse I dream of a world without cancer, aids and other terrible things!
But? There's so very little I can do! The things we do, like giving money and support sometimes seems not enough to me!
In my sleep I often dream of remedial teaching> how do I get my students on a higher leval? Hum....yep! I agree...not a very pleasant dream.....
My day-dreams are more pleasant. I can dream of and go back to Oregon....To the falls, Hood River, Sandy, Gresham, Portland, Sherwood and Tigard, Bonneville Dams and ofcourse my favorite spot: Mount Hood!
Enough about my dreams....
Yesterday I also got my punches, so I did some work on a card.
I really love this one.
I think me practicing making Vintage cards does get better.
I think I make a little progress!
I am going to make some more, because it's so much fun!
Have a wonderful sunday,
7 opmerkingen:
Wat mooi gedaan zeg. Het kaartje is ook weer zo mooi in vintage stijl. Heel gaaf!
Oh you touch my heart. Cancer has claimed the life of my Mother when I was still a young teenager and more recently my best friend in the world (she was only 39 when she passed away) I also dream of a cure for cancer.
THEN, my eldest son, who is 22years old now is dyslexic and went to a remedial school (so I have a big space in my heart for remedial teachers) - My youngest son Kye is presently studing to become a teacher.
Your work is lovely. I love your bolg and thank you for visiting mine.
Hugs and stuff
Dear Adele,
I have a lot of dyslexic students in my classroom.
I love them and I cherish them. The reading we all do together and when they make progress? I sing it out loud to them!
Cancer is awful! Two of my best and dearest friends do suffer right now....Fighting against and hopefully will WIN this dishonest battle!
I lost my dad to cancer.
I wish I had magic and cure the ill....
But...the only thing I can do is listen to them, help them and give them my love and support!
I hope Kye will become a teacher with the heart on the right spot and I pray for your eldest son! May he become a happy person± dyslexie is no fun, but there are people who do understand his problem! I´m one of them!
Big hug to you,
Wat een prachtige creaties weer op je blog Jen!!
Hoe gaat tie verder, alles goed bij jullie?
En wat super lief dat je pannenzegeltjes voor Sarike wilt mee sparen. Alvast hartstikke bedankt!!
Hi Jenny, my dear--your cards are just too beautiful. You have the touch, my dear! Those vintage cards are keep sakes--so lovely!
I'm enjoyng your scrapbook this year also.
When I think of you in the classroom, my heart warms knowing how much you love your students. They are so fortunate to have you for a teacher!!
And your little ones in daycare?? Precious, as always, I know!
Take care my dear friend. I have been out of commission for 12 days, so am glad to be writing tonight, as I wanted you to know how much I loved your cards!
Hee die Jen
Dat heb je weer mooi gemaakt
De challenges zijn altijd erg leuk
Ik denk dat ik er toch nog aan begin met een inhaalslag. Het kunnen er toch ook gewoon 12 zijn of zo voor 2009
Liefs Moon
Hé Jen!!! Eindelijk weer eens lekker bijgelezen op je blog! En ik heb weer super veel voorbij zien komen, natuurlijk je challenges maar ook schattige vintage kaartjes. Volgens mij heb jij er weer een verslaving bij! Ik hoop nu weer even wat vaker bij je aan te waaien!
Fijn weekend, liefs Elly
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