design team member luzifi. Look at

donderdag 29 januari 2009

JEN'S CHALLENGE: week 5/ 30 januari 2009> DRAWING.

This morning I am an urly bird with blogging the new word for this week!
Time flies when you're having fun!
This week the word is DRAWING!
What do you have with a drawing? Or do you like to draw yourself?
Is there a special drawing in your house you like so much?
Or do you have completely NOTHING with drawings or sketches?
I get pretty drawings of Ingmar! He just makes them on little pieces of paper and I am afraid (LOL) that he draws them secretly during schooltime! But...that's what I did when I was a kid. So....He really inherited this from me, hi, hi....(Don't tell the teach!).
When he was a small boy he got rheuma and Henoch Schönlein Purpura, so he really needed help to stimulate his motorical skills. He was a "louzy" to say and he hated it! While I love to draw, paint and scrap! But now.....times have changed and he is enjoying his work so much.....
It makes me such a proud mom.....
Ingmar is developing quickly now and his drawing-skills are getting better and better!
I have a box filled with little drawings....
His DESIGNS for LEGO CREATOR, because that is COOL.......
I hope to blog my page tonight!
See'you on the blog!
Enjoy the day wherever you are,

1 opmerking:

Splashes of Pink and Mint zei

Ha, dat is weer een leuk woord! Ik weet nog niet helemaal hoe ik het ga doen, maar dat moet toch lukken! Wat grappig dat je zoon nu ontwerpen maakt voor z'n lego, en dat helemaal op papier!
Mijn oudste is gek op tekenen en zou ook best iets met strips willen doen later, maar dat zal nog moeilijk worden ben ik bang! Nou ja, geen zorgen voor de tijd van morgen, eerst maar eens de challenge aangaan! De andere 2 staan btw op m'n blog!