I skated the whole sunday....At the end the sky and the sun looked so beautiful!
So I went home, got the dog and the camera and made some cute pics....
Too bad that it was the last day....
The temp got high again.....
Look at this pretty new build Swedish house! Isn't it a dream? Odie doggy had fun too! It was his first time on the ice. First he didn't understand it all, so he did some unexpected movements!
Isn't it something? This street is called: Winterpeil! And how pretty the sky looked......
I just had to share this with you!
Have a good monday,
Have a good monday,
big hug,
6 opmerkingen:
Schitterende foto´s Jen ook in je vorige bericht, ik heb er heerlijk van genoten en jammer inderdaad dat het even afgelopen is met de ijspret.
heerlijk he?
wij hebben ook de hele zondag geschaatst.
net als toen we 16 waren zei m'n man!! hihi
wil je wel verkering met mij?plakte ie er achteraan!! hahahaha
mooie foto's heb je gemaakt. vooral die lucht is erg mooi.
Schitterende foto's en een super blog heb je, Jenny! Ik heb genoten, ik zal vaker langskomen!
Groetjes, Alina
Sounds like you are getting your exercise!! What a beautiful scene. The ice must be a waterway of some sort. That new house is very close to the water--do you ever have flooding?? We are having flooding here in Oregon and Washington after the heavy snows--many people displaced from their homes.
Thanks for the cute comment you left on my Christmas Eve post. I should tell you that my policeperson pregnant niece can no longer button her uniform, so she will begin desk duty from now on!!
Have a good week.
Many loves from Oregon
ziet er prachtig uit!!! eerlijk waar!!
Prachtige foto's Jen!
Hier is de vorst en daarmee ook de sneeuw verdwenen. In plaats daarvan regent het vandaag al de hele dag....heb er nu al genoeg van!
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