design team member luzifi. Look at

woensdag 18 juni 2008

Paper Challenge: operation 25> PLAY.....

In 1963 I got my first Barbie from St. Nicks on the fifth of december and since this time.....
I still play with my Barbie's!
They alway's have been my favorites and they will stay that!
I LOVE the vintage Barbie's and I LOVE the fashion from the sixties.....
Too bad my parents did not have the money to buy all the pretty clothes for my Barbie....
Now...It is still wonderful to look them up at Google and the prices are amazing!

2 opmerkingen:

Marjolein zei

Oh Jenny, this is so cute!!!! Love the old photo (do you look like your mom??? looks like you have the same mouth?!) and the pink page. Great job!!! I like the favorite Barbie list a lot!

Je@net zei

Wat een gave pagina Jenny!
En ja....Barbies. Daar was ik vroeger zo stapelgek op, maar het zat er niet echt in. Heb er ooit eentje gekregen....
Heb voor mijn dochter dus destijds tig Barbies gekocht....en ze heeft er zelden mee gespeeld :-(