Operation 22: "What are your current favorites?
What are you enjoying most right now?
Share 'em!"
27 may: I love the beautiful eyes of my son Bjorn.......They are his "voice".....With his eyes he tells me everything and I am grateful for this. His eyes are a mirror to me....This way he will tell me whether he is okay or not.
Also favorite on this moment is the invitation: "Mom? Will you play soccer with us??? PLEASE????"
Two boy's (11 and 13) do ask me to play with them! Mom still play's soccer in a cool way, at least that's what they tell me! This way I cab take care a little of Ingmar's friend, who lost his mom in januari........
And the boy's both love it......I think Ingmar wants to share his mom a little with his friend and that is okay, too.....
I will take care!
I also love to see Ingmar on the field! He tries so very hard to become a very good player!
Hope you enjoy the day and the page in my book.....
I think I have to make a part two......
But that is ok> I will have part 1 and part 2....You won't mind, do you Elise?
Bye, have a lot of scrap-fun, Jen.