design team member luzifi. Look at

zondag 28 september 2008

Fall is here......

This sunday the sun is coming thrue the fog and the temperature will be wonderful again......
But.....everything is showing us that FALL really has come now!
For the first time this year my little pumpkins turned out beautiful. A couple of years ago my little lantern-plant died: too much rain and the "wet"soil did kill it. But....Mien surprised me yesterday with a sack full of orange lanters! THANK YOU, MIEN! You made me soooo HAPPY with these pretty autumn-babies! And.....Peter had to take Björn again to EMERGENCY in the HOSPITAL! His wound was leaking thrue the plaster again! Monday we have to come back and then the plaster-master will put new walking plaster on the leg! So....Björn is in bed again! No walking or going out for him today. I hope Peter can carry him outside, so he can enjoy this wonderful day also.
Hope you enjoy it!

Vandaag piept de zon al weer door de mist en het belooft weer een prachtige dag te worden met een heerlijke temperaturr!
Toch wijst alles erop, dat de herfst toch echt gekomen is: we kunnen er niet meer onderuit, want de herfst-producten zijn aan het rijpen en sommige vruchten zijn al klaar! Voor het eerst zijn onze kleine pompoentjes goed gelukt! We hadden ooit een lantaarn-plantje in de tuin, maar doordat het te nat stond is het dood gegaan!
Mien verraste me gisteren met een hele zak vol oranje lantaarntjes en zoals jullie kunnen zien, hebben deze schattige herfst-babies al een mooi plekje gekregen! Een hele grote vaas VOL! MIEN, REUZE BEDANKT! Ik ben er echt heel erg blij mee!
Gisteren moest Peter onze zoon weer naar het ziekenhuis brengen, want zijn wond lekte weer door het gips heen. Niet fijn, nee....Zeker ook heel pijnlijk voor Björn. We hopen het te beperken, maar we zitten nu wel 2 keer per week op de gekste tijden in het ziekenhuis. Gelukkig zijn ze daar ook heel erg begripvol en doen ze zo hun best! Dus....In het weekend is er geen gipsmeester en doen de verpleegkundigen een zachte gips om het been. Hiermee kan Björn niet lopen: dus...zit ie op het bed. Ik hoop, dat Peter hem straks naar buiten kan tillen, zodat Björn ook nog even van de laatste zonnestralen kan genieten!
Ik hoop, dat jullie een heerlijke dag mogen hebben! Geniet ervan! En dan wil ik jullie ook- mede namens Björn en de rest van de mannen- heel hartelijk bedanken voor jullie mooie kaarten, jullie opbeurende mails, jullie telefoontjes en jullie VRIENDSCHAP, die wij vooral in deze moeilijke tijden bijzonder WAARDEREN!
Liefs, Jen.

donderdag 25 september 2008

Design Team.

Some time ago I told you that I was making nice things with new doodle mals from and as you all know, members of a Design Team are not allowed to show their goodies right away. But....Now I can and for all of you....If you click on the picture, it will enlarge, so you can see it better, cause some of you tried to enlarger it at the page of Crealies, but this didn't work! Well girls! Go for it now!!
Hope you like it!
Just have had mail from Annelies and she is sending new HOT STUFF to work with and make other pretty things!
I'm looking forward to it!!
Have a nice day,
Enige tijd geleden heb ik jullie al verteld, dat ik leuke dingen aan het maken was voor Crealies en zoals jullie wel weten, mogen mensen van een Disign Team hun gemaakte projectjes NIET direct laten zien. Maar nu mag het wel.....En voor al die mensen, die het maar niet lukte om de foto's op de computer te vergroten op de site van Annelies.....Ga je gang, want als je nu op de foto klikt, dan kun je het werk vergroot zien!
Hoop, dat jullie het leuk vinden en ik had net mail van Annelies, dat ze weer MOOIE EN NIEUWE SPULLEN gaat sturen om er weer wat van te maken!
Ik kijk er al weer naar uit!
Nog een fijne dag verder,

woensdag 24 september 2008

Elise's Challenge 2008:operation 39> WORK!

Tuesday, 23 september'08: WORK! What keeps you going on?
Well....that's easy! The kids! I get so much love of the children....They color my day' is time to move on.How hard it is and no matter how many difficulties we find on our path....
I believe that honoust people finally win!
Ofcourse I noticed a little mistake on my page. It should be tuesday, 23 and not 22.....
I took care of it after this pic was taken, so you can be sure.....
Have a wonderful week, Jen.

zondag 21 september 2008

The results of yesterday!

Yesterday I did a Cuttlebug-demo at the Pipoos in Groningen. It was nice to do, as alway's. I made some cards with the papers Color Core and with the embossing stencils for the Cuttlebug. I got these two lovely flower punches for 11 euro each.
Today it was a sad day again.... Björn his wound started leaking and it smelled like rotting meat. So we ended up in the hospital again and they had to remove the plaster right away. NO WALKING plaster anymore and Peter has to take him in right away tomorrow morning. No...I can not come along.....My boss has ordered me to go back to work! I wish we did not need my salary! I would QUIT MY JOB right away!!!!!
I feel so quilty.....I feel quilty because I can not do my job as good as I am used to and I feel quilty towards my son and my husband, because I have to go to school. What would happen if I stayed home??? No idea....But I really do not wish to try it out! The lady managers were not very nice......They were polite, but that's all.....Hope they will never ever have to nurse their kids or whomever.......
Please....All of you> keep your fingers crossed for our son! I hope his heel wil heal and that the process will go up from now on! I hate to see him suffer!
Hope your day was a little more relaxing..... And I would almost forget: here are some cards I made yesterday......
If you like them, please let me know!
A big hug to all of you,

vrijdag 19 september 2008


Lieve dames cursisten,

Bij deze de juiste maten van de stroken en de juiste hoeveelheden vellen papier, die jullie bij de 2e les mee moeten brengen.
Allereerst mijn excuses voor de verwarring!

Hier de juiste aantallen!
Als je een sterboekje wilt maken in 3 tinten, bijvoorbeeld lichtroze, roze en donkerroze, dan heb je van iedere tint inderdaad 3 vellen nodig!
Maak je het sterboekje in een tint (zie foto), dan heb je 7 vellen nodig!
Let op! De papieren moeten wel aan beide zijden een kleur hebben!

Wil je al vast wat "huiswerk"maken, dan zou je de stroken thuis kunnen snijden.

Je bent nodig: 7 stroken van 30 keer 10 cm,
7 stroken van 24 keer 10 cm
7 stroken van 21 keer 10 cm.

Tot as donderdag en .....

MORGEN BIJ MARJA IN BEDUM EEN DEMO (waar ik dus niet kan zijn!) EN VANAF 11.00 uur tot 16.00 uur EEN OPEN DAG BIJ DE PIPOOS IN GRONINGEN, waar ik een demo CUTTLEBUG zal geven.

Fijn weekend en tot gauw,
liefs, Jen.

Elise's Challenge 2008: operation 38> FALL.

This week Elise choose the word FALL......Fall to me is wonderful, because I love the colors that autumn brings a long and all the nice things, like Halloween, Thanksgiving, the Dutch Sint Maarten and the coming of the Dutch Saint Nicolaas by boat.
I love my tiny mushrooms in the yard, the smell of leaves on the mud, my pumpkins, our grapes, our tomatoes and our little hedgehog, who is finding him a place to sleep during wintertime........
I do not like the rains during the Fall-time, but what to do?
Untill now, we can not complain.......
So, let's celebrate FALL and all what comes with it!
Enjoy, Jen.

zondag 14 september 2008

My BIRDY, where are U?

Yesterday Magarethe gave me a call!
Hi, I am in Leeuwarden! Where's the DUIF???
This to me was a wonderful change to get the newest Basic Grey papers Eva....
So....Please....Can you bring me some papers??
No problem! What I did not know was, that Margarethe did call Tineke to ask her how and what, cause she could not get back to us.
But....She did bring me the EVA-papers and I was soooo HAPPY!
My inspiration for this LO was Mireille and she thinks it's a great honour that she is my inspiration!
GIRLS, THANK YOU ALL, because I can't do it without all of you!
Since months this is a LO again.....
It's all about my little birdy Björn, who used to sing all day....
Since the 25 th of may 1995 he has never sang again....
I still wonder: Where did you go, my little BIRDY?????
Björn, you're so far away from all of us, but we LOVE YOU!!!!
This photo was made by our dear friend Allert Dik, who died too young!
I knew one day I would find the right papers to scrap this wonderful and emotional photo. Allert took this one in my mom's appartment were we lived for month's while the builders were making our house good enough to live here with Björn. At this time Björn was not able to make any contact with us.....He was soooo FAR AWAY....We had to go a long way, but we are happy that Björn is what he is today: a wonderful boy....Alway's smiling and a very good kiddo....Have a wonderful sunday and thanks for looking at my blog,

zaterdag 13 september 2008

Terrible that this has happened!

Yesterday the appartments in our street were closed because of a very dangerous situation.
They did not work on the project for allready three weeks and we all wondered: WHAT's WRONG?
So the people in the neighberhood went to a special meeting with the oldermen of our city and asked them: Is there a dangerous situation?
That was not the case, they told us. My husband was there and now......
We can't believe this!!! For three weeks we did breath the poissen!
Our children did play here! We ate home grown strawberry's and tomatoes........And now we know that this poisson can give us CANCER.....
Not right away, but perhaps in 10 or more years.......
Some women cried there heart out because they are so scared about the young children who played here.......
It is very sad and terrible! Twice a day a car comes and spray's the left overs of this building, but the sun is warm and the wind is strong, so the water is gone within minutes.......
We have to wait saturday and sunday before the city will do something!
Can you believe this???
I mean....When the health of citizen is on the case?
Come on, rulers of our city! You do not live in this town....You are save and far away, because you do not wish to live here! Stand up for our rights! We pay a lot of city-taxes here and for what?
I hope they can take away the terrible fear from some of us!

donderdag 11 september 2008

Elise's Challenge 2008: operation 37>CHOOSE.

This week (allready week 37!!!) the operation is CHOOSE!

-What do you choose to do?
-What do you choose to be?
-What attitude do you choose to have?

Well.....with all the worries because of our son Björn we CHOOSE to nurse him as good as we can!
Peter's back is broken and he stayed in as well.....Björn is very heavy and huge in length: lifting him is like going to a gym for 24 hours a day!
The nursing of Björn goes on 24 hours a day and it's quite a fulltime job!

What we choose to be is: being good parents, spouses and good, helpful people to others.
We both choose to have an open and an honoust attitude and That's why Peter and I are a good couple!
I like honesty and I am very faithful, as a spouse, but also as a friend.

Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment on my blog!
Bye and have a nice day,

maandag 8 september 2008


I am practicing on making cards....
I like scrapping more, but I wanted to give it a try, so here are my first cards......
Used the Cuttle Bug a lot, because I love the embossing stencils so much!
Sitting next to Björn his bed....
So I can tell him what I am making, reading him stories, sing for him and help him as much as I can to stay as comfortable as possible!
Have a nice day, Jen.

Poor Björnieboy.......

We had hoped that the injection would be the last one last night for Björn.
When we took him to the hospital this morning.....
What a disappointment......
No walking-plaster for Björn, because the foot was not okay at all.....
And an ugly wound on his heel!
Poor darling....
I really cried my heart out when nobody could see it.
So....Another week in bed for Björn and another week injections!
Next week we have to go back and our doctor will visit Björn coming wednesday to check on the wound. I hope for the best.......
The only thing I can do now is nurse hime and give him all I can.

zaterdag 6 september 2008


Goedemorgen allemaal,

Eerst maar even in het Nederlands, want de buitenlandse gasten hebben er misschien niet zo veel aan, tenzij ze hier eens komen!
Ik kreeg van Moniek een belangrijk verhuisbericht door.
Ze heeft een WINKEL geopend in NIEUWLEUSEN!
Alle cursisten, die bij mij scrappen, kunnen bij een bestelling via haar web-winkel invullen, dat ze bij mij les volgen en dan geeft Moniek je 10% korting.
Da's toch een leuk inkoppertje in deze dure tijden?
Ik heb gisteren al even bij haar geshopt (web) en ze heeft zulke mooie spullen!
Gewoon kijken!

Het adres is:

Den Hulst 90, 7711 GR Nieuwleusen,
Telefoon: 0529-466912,

En dan nog eentje!
Appingedam werd te klein voor Greet en Hero!
Ze kregen te veel spullen en veel vraag naar allerlei dingen....
Het ging niet meer in het kleine pand, dus...
Hebben ze de boel verkast naar de stad!

Hobbyzaak Greet zit nu aan de Ulgersmaweg 28-3,
9731 BT Groningen.

Ik wens iedereen een heel goed en gezond zakelijk jaar toe!
Fijn weekend, Jen.

woensdag 3 september 2008

Elise's Challenge 2008: operation 36> COLLECTIONS.

I just love my Barbie's! Their pretty vintage clothing and the style they had in the fifties and early sixties.....
It brings back wonderful memories....
My life was so uncomplecated those day's......
I know it's a cliche, but they do not say it for fun: Remember the good ol'day's.......
Have a wonderful day and have fun!
Thank you for visiting my blog and i love it, when you leave a comment!
Big hug to all, Jen.

Elise's Paper Challenge, Operation 36 for this week is:
OMG.....Were do I start? I am a real collector! I collect BIRDHOUSES! As you can see I also scrap them, ha, ha....
The tiny little one is in romantic style...
The bigger one has BERRY SWEET paper on it. This is from K&Company.
I also collect pepper & salt-sets.............
My prettiest collection are my VINTAGE BARBIE DOLLS with their VINTAGE CLOTHES.....!!!!